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Showing posts from October, 2015

Amber Rose Agonizing in Public !

Slut shaming can be horrifically emotional, and during her inaugural SlutWalk on Saturday in L.A., Amber Rose wasn’t afraid to let her emotions show, tearing up as she spoke about her own experiences with sexual double standards and having been publicly shamed. During the speech, Rose addresses the “30 showers” comment made by Kanye West and how hurt she was by the “love of her life,” Wiz Khalifa, when he wrote her into one of his songs. “That was extremely hurtful,” she said, and then she broke down. “I suggest that you guys do the same,” she said of forgiving her shamers, “and I’ll tell you why. Because they’re ignorant at times. People are ignorant, and you have to be the bigger person and be the positive person. To forgive and move on and help other people around you who have been through the same thing.” Preach, Amber 🙌