It's amazing how life could seem to be all over at times. All of a sudden, out of the blues, something expected occurs that appears to give the knock-out to all your dreams and aspirations. Surely, it could be as a result of some random circumstances but most at times, it is a direct consequence of a series of little actions on your part that eventually created your realities.
Either way, it is often easier to just throw up your hands and give up rather than struggle to come out of the rut. A wise man once noted that, " When you resign to fate, your resignation is promptly accepted." You could be overwhelmed by the nagging feeling of having fallen short of both your lofty expectations and those of others. It's at times like this that you have to remember that whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. The Holy Bible reveals in Proverbs 24:10, " If you faint in times of adversity, your strength is small." The following three techniques have helped me bounce back from whatever storms life throws at me.
Retreat into yourself. This is the time to rediscover what makes you, you. Adversity functions as a means of revealing the stuff we are made up of. Robert Schuller captures it succinctly ," When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Accept your role in creating the unfortunate situation so you can learn from it and move on. Reflect on your core principles, values and beliefs and emerge from this storm steely determined to be better.
Speak to true friends. I do know firsthand how difficult conversing with yourself could be at such times. Self-doubt could arise and anger and disappointment could becloud your reasoning. This is when your true friends who know the stuff you're made up of come into play. Allow them to speak into your heart and encourage you. These are people who know everything about you- both your strengths and weaknesses and are able to help you get over this rough patch.
Decide to live happy. Make a conscious effort to take life day by day and feel it with as much joy as you can. Joy is not tied to the situations around you but the way you feel about. Flood your mind with memories of happy, fun and successful times. The truth is, life is in stages and this too shall pass.
These are the techniques I routinely employ for getting through hard times which have been coming rather frequently of late! Keep in mind friends that " When life knocks me down, I've gotta get back up! It's not over until I win!!"
Amb Welo Akhigbe
Nice article very inspiring