The embattled Ex National Security Adviser Dansuki alongside 3 of his accomplices have been granted bail on the counts of the Arms Deal Scandal of N650m. The judge over the case, Huseni Baba-Yusuf granted the five accused persons on a bond of N250 million each. The accused are to produce sureties – a director in the Federal Civil Service Commission(FCSC). The sureties must provide property worth N250 million within Abuja, and an evidence of means. The defendants are also expected to deposit their travel passports and their counsels must notify the court of any intention by the defendants to travel out of Abuja. He added that until the perfect the bail conditions, the accused person will remain remanded in the custody of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Baba-Yusuf also adjourned the matter for Thursday and Friday, January 21 and 22 respectively for definite hearing. Dasuki alongside his former finance director at the Office of the National Secur...